L'App De L'Hoquei
Catalan & Spanish Hockey · 2023
App created for hockey players and fans to see the results, leaderboards and statistics of the hockey matches in all competitions in Catalonia and in Spain. This tool aims to facilitate the access to matches and players data from the mobile and web.
47 categories
Real-time data
+1.000 monthly users
+50.000 monthly interactions
The hockey world didn't have quick and accurate access to hockey data such as the matches results, players statistics and leaderboards. The outdated and not mobile friendly version the federation had was not enough to satisfy the lately increasing public.
After playing hockey for half my life, I was tired of the old system to check for results and data. And living abroad, I did not have comfortable access to my hometown team's matches.
The federation has an outdated website not accessible from phone devices, that has not have tech support from 2017.
This recent years the hockey public has increased and the facilities around it have not improved at the same rate.
My solution ~ PWA & scraping
I tried different approaches on how to create a native app for phones, but I wanted something easy to try-error with quick feedback. So I opted to create a Progressive Web App.
To be able to access the data, I had to investigate insightfully the server that the federation's web was using to get the data. Once I had that, and knowing the format of the data response, I created a server that scraped the necessary data every time there was a request from the PWA.
The app was a product I wanted, and I knew what was necessary for the users. Nevertheless, I wanted to have feedback from the users and so I knew what needed change and what worked best for the app, so I set up a mail and an easy access to it to be able to get as much information as possible.
I created the app in the other side of the world, so the mouth-to-mouth was not an option. In order to get visitors, I texted most of the clubs in my hometown area and asked for a shoutout. Most of them were thrilled about the new tool and very happy to help.